Monday, March 17, 2008

yes, ada does produce maGic

Dear D-town,
So, you're not from ada, ok; don't fret--i know you may never comprehend the coolness of the simplistic town or understand that the social stigmas of small towns may hold their worth but i can't help but say 'screw that' with my pride always set on the dial of 34° 47' N 96° 41' W. but this post isn't all about my love for a-town. it's about the fact that i overheard someone say something about good music; naturally my ears perk up--good music, okay. good music, they said, doesn't exist in places like oklahoma. all that red dirt crap, they said. okay, okay. let me let everyone in on something/someone in ada. greg allen, whom i happened to take guitar lessons from, just happens to take improvisational beats way beyond any local 'music' i've heard as of yet in big d. big d. i love you; a bit. i will always love ada. and freaking greg allen.

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