So Chris' list is finally complete. Yea! Guess what got number one? One I would happen to agree with. check 'er out.
That's right. Smashing Pumpkins. Many a love affair I have had with thee. 1979 epitomizes 90's riff-raff, a.k.a., cool kids..a.k.a the kids me and my friends believed ourselves to be on any given weekend. Man, was my childhood a Springsteen song or what? How about yeah, with a little 1979 thrown in the mix. Cool kids never have the time. And I was never cool.
So let's talk about the remain ding 2-5. just to let you in on the jazz.
#5 "Lightning Crashes" by Live. Pretty sure I have given adequate summary about them in a previous post but I will say this is forever etched in memory for several reasons besides it just being a terribly moving song. 1 - remember this anyone. fifth grade. in the middle of Willard's lip sync or talent show. I think lip sync. the song became the anthem. also, it seemed to be in a lot of funerals. igh.
#4 the cranberries kill it with "zombie" yeah. i voted for this. I love it. I also love "dreams" --which was the only song mandee and I could agree on whilst driving about back in the day. My most memorable encounter with the song ('zombie now) came with carl, casey mcswain, and cindy in an event that should have taken our lives but just goes to prove that beefalo (not buffalo) exist right outside ada and country roads aren't meant for camaros.
#3 the wallflowers "one headlight" i like it...didn't love it. know all the words. like his dad better. although he is a LOT cuter. I said it. and word has it his latest stuff sells his magic much like the old man did...word?
#2 the verve "bittersweet symphony" here's the deal. i think richard ashcroft is a bloody genius. i truly do. i think they did a wonderful version of the song and the glimmer twins should have just dealt with it. although, i guess if i wrote a song..but still, couldn't they say you did a damn fine job...keep the money kids? i don't know. maybe i really don't know. but i love them verb. cue it. i want to see them on tour.